Cable Car Turnaround in San Francisco

San Francisco Attractions
For a unique San Francisco experience, head to the corner of Powell and Market St. to spot the San Francisco cable car turnaround. Cable cars are not able to go in reverse, so they must be manually turned around. Here you can watch as cable-car operators jump out to slow down the car, all by hand, atop a revolving wooden platform. Cable-car riders line up during the day to secure themselves a seat to ride one of San Francisco’s historic treasures, so it might be best to plan your visit in the early in the morning.
The other San Francisco cable car turnaround is located at Powell and Mason Street, near Fisherman’s Wharf.
You can purchase your cable-car tickets at the ticket booths at the Powell/Market turnaround and at the San Francisco Convention & Visitors Bureau.
Book your stay at Golden Gate Hotel and easily walk to the Powell/Market cable car turnaround.